It was a rough week around my house....
Mommy was sick on Sunday and Monday, so she wasn't very much fun. Just as soon as she started feeling better I started getting sick. My nose was runny and I couldn't breathe good and I felt like I was on fire. The gooey stuff in my nose made drinking a bottle very hard and frustrating. Mom and Grammy took me to see Dr. Laura on Friday, just to make sure I didn't have an ear infection or something worse than a cold. My ears were clear, so the verdict was: its just a head cold and we would all have to suffer through it. The next day was Daddy Day (Saturday) and sure enough he started feeling sick too. I tried really hard not to get him sick, but he just loves my kisses so much it was hard to resist. Of course he thought he had the Swine Flu or something. Mommy says, he does have a flair for the dramatics you know.Today is Monday and I think we are all on the mend now. I never knew it was so hard being sick. I sure hope that doesn't happen again.
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